About Pretty Sweet

a hand holding mobile phone taking pictures of macarons by pretty sweet


 創辦人憑著對烘焙的熱情和孜孜不倦的研究精神,一邊自學不同技術和食材相關的知識,一邊在大大小小的烘焙店工作吸取經驗為開店鋪路。辭去倫敦純素咖啡店主廚一職後回港創辦了 Pretty Sweet,致力透過一件件精緻美味的甜點盛載及傳播快樂。代表產品包括千甘酥及原創的 Pretty Tsuki 夾心曲奇。

Pretty Sweet 亦喜與社會上不同單位合作。過往至今曾與不同機構及公司合作,如女人節香港婦女動力基金kubrick百老匯電影中心等。

Local pastry shop. Committed to making beautiful and tasty desserts that will bring a smile to everyone who tries them. Apart from high-quality ingredients, homemade jams and fillings, sugars are used conscientiously in their products like macarons, cookies and madeleines without the addition of artificial flavourings or preservatives.

Having infinite passion for food and baking, Pretty Sweet̓s founder studied ingredients and learnt different baking techniques as a self-taught baker while gaining experience in bakeries. After quitting her job as the chef of a vegan coffee shop in London, she returned to Hong Kong and founded Pretty Sweet, committed to spreading happiness through exquisite and delicious desserts.

Signature products includes Crunch Cookies and Pretty Tsuki sandwich cookies.

Pretty Sweet welcomes partnering opportunities with various organizations and companies including NGOs, corporations and cafes. Past collaborators include Women's Festival, HerFund, In Time Of, kubrick, Broadway Cinematheque, etc.

pretty sweet founder decorating cake