本地烘焙小店 Pretty Sweet 新推出的四式千甘酥禮盒靈感源自香港獨特的烹飪傳統和法式甜點工藝。禮盒糅合兩者特色,彙集了香港四種經典風味 (椒香XO醬、鹹香南乳、金沙鹹蛋黃和大澳蝦醬)的布列塔尼酥餅,每款都是採用優質食材精心研製,保證為您帶來一場豐味盛宴和滿滿驚喜。四式千甘酥禮盒與您穿越時空,感受漁村小巷到食市大街的風味,讓味蕾探索一系列跳躍過癮的滋味,領略香港烹飪傳統的精髓。 四式千甘酥禮盒不僅口味清新獨特,更與本地插畫家 Pearl Law 合作,一同製作出富玩味的別緻包裝。無論是自己品嚐或送贈親友,必令人一試傾心,回味無窮。
Inspired by Hong Kong culinary traditions and French patisserie recipes, the Crunch Cookie Quartet is a unique fusion that features Sablé Breton in four classic Hong Kong favours: Chilli XO Sauce, Nam Yu (Fermented Red Beancurd), Salted Egg Yolk, Tai O Shrimp Paste, each created meticulously by the Pretty Sweet baking team to guarantee a gastronomic feast and infinite surprises. The Crunch Cookie Quartet takes you on a culinary journey through time and space, from the alleys of the fishing village to the bustling streets of the food paradise. You can explore four mind-blowing flavors that dance across your taste buds while savouring the essence of Hong Kong cooking traditions in every delectable bite. The collection not only offers a refreshing and tantalizing taste experience, but also comes with exquisite packaging illustrated by local illustrator Pearl Law. Whether as a treat for yourself or a gift for your family and friends, the Crunch Cookie Quartet is surely a sensory delight that leaves everyone craving for more.