開心果月餅曲奇 MOONkie Pistachio
開心果月餅曲奇 MOONkie Pistachio
✦ 此乃預售產品,若選擇親身到工作室自取,請在付款前於購物車(Your Cart)頁面的「Order special instructions」內填寫心儀取貨日期及時間
工作室自取:客人可選擇於 10-17/9/2024 期間內取貨
✦ 順豐冷運到付:將於 10/9/2024 起陸續出貨並於 13/9/2024 或之前寄出
✦ 參考到貨日子:寄出後1-2天;出貨後將透過 WhatsApp 向客人提供運單追蹤號
✦ 鐵盒包裝:每盒共有 12 件曲奇。分裝成 3 包,每包 4 件
✦ 存放要求:請保存於 0-4度雪櫃。
✦ 保存期:收到貨品日期起計 20 日。為能夠品嚐到最好品質,開封後請盡快食用。
✦ 食用建議:從雪櫃取出後直接享用或放室溫 5-10分鐘,待夾心稍稍軟化後享用
✦ This is a pre-order item. Customers can choose to pick up/deliver within 10-17/9/2024. Please leave preferred pick-up date & time in the "Order special instructions" box in the Cart before proceeding to Checkout.
✦ SF coldchain delivery: Item will be shipped successively from 10/9/2024. All orders will be shipped by 13/9/2024.
✦ Estimated delivery date: 1-2 days after items being packed and shipped. A tracking number will be provided via WhatsApp.
Pistachio MOONkie has the look of traditional mooncakes. The rich butter flavour strikes a balance with the nutty flavour of pistachios. Extremely crunchy mouthfeel brought about by pistachio bits, velvety ganache and a cookie baked to perfection make it hard to resist.
✦ Tin box package: contains 12 cookies in total. 3 packs per box, 4 cookies per pack
✦ Storage: can be kept in original sealed package in 0-4°C fridge for 20 days
✦ Eating: Eat directly from fridge or let sit at room temperature for 5-10 mins for fillings to soften up